
About the Sabbath Section

IF you have no interest in finding out more about:

  • God’s holy Sabbath Day.
  • Why is it so important to God?
  • Who changed the Bible Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday?

THEN skip this section on the Sabbath. INSTEAD, go to the list of short practical messages under the > LIFE LESSONS < heading.

IF you are curious about finding out more about God’s holy Sabbath Day, then I would encourage you to watch, read, or listen to the messages in this SABBATH section. At this stage, I would recommend you skip the first one and start with ‘God’s Special Message’ and then all the ones below that in the order they are presented.

IF you can answer ‘yes’ to one of the questions below, then I want to strongly encourage you to listen first to the message, ‘Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep it Holy – The Forgotten Part of the Fourth Commandment’.

Question:   Are you already affiliated with one of the 563 different denominations which believe that the keeping of God’s seventh day Sabbath is important?

Question:   Are you amongst the huge number of wonderful Christians who are not part of one of these hundreds of denominations but simply keep God’s Sabbath Day on Saturday according to the Ten Commandments either at home by yourself or in a small home group, and you want to go further on the wonderful journey you are on as a child of God?

IF your answer was 'yes' to one of the two questions above, then please listen to ‘Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep it Holy – The Forgotten Part of the Fourth Commandment'.

I trust you will be richly blessed as you take on the challenge with God’s help and move forward into a more wonderful relationship with our heavenly Father and Jesus.

Thank you very much for listening,

Ray Archer

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