016. The Woman's Dream

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Please check out this vision, seen in a dream, that a woman from Ghana in Africa had. It will only take 2.5 minutes.

It doesn’t seem like the ‘meek and mild’ Jesus we so often portray. It looks more like the angry and sad Jesus who came into the temple many years ago and upturned the money-changer’s tables and chased out the hypocritical ‘God followers’ who were desecrating God’s temple.


If the English text is too fast-moving to easily keep up with and digest properly, then I’ve also printed out the woman’s dream below.

Love and blessings to you from Ray <3

P.S. If you’d like to see more on this subject, please go to my message called “PRACTICAL IDEAS FOR KEEPING THE SABBATH HOLIER

Yes, please. Before I come to that, I want to recount one more experience I had about the Sabbath.

In that vision, I had returned home after church service on a Sabbath day and decided to do some clothes washing.

In the course of my washing, I heard a commotion outside my house, which was an indication that something unusual was happening.

Suddenly, a certain man entered my house, fuming with anger, and asked me, “Do we wash on the Sabbath?” I was speechless and looking at him. He then overturned the clothes basin in which I was doing the washing, turned back, and left the house. I decided to follow him to understand why he threw my clothes away. While I was trailing him, I saw him walking on the streets. When he saw a shop open, he would bang the shop’s door while asking the shopkeeper, “Do you have to sell on My Sabbath day?”

Similarly, when he saw people who were selling food, he would ask them the same question and overturn their food and containers to the ground. He continued castigating people until he reached our church premises. That was around 3:00 pm in the afternoon. At that time, the church service was over, but some people were inside the church building studying the Bible.

In front of the church house, there was a small space where we usually mounted a tent or canopy for people to take fresh air and rest when the church was closed. When he reached there, the majority of the church members were sitting under the canopy in front of the church house chatting. He said to them, “You people, I am very angry at you more than all people.” He said that twice and added that instead of joining the Bible studies in the afternoon, they were using His Sabbath hour to engage in idle talk, gossiping, and business transactions.

Finally, He issued an ultimatum, saying to them, “If you want to join the Bible studies, do so. If not, get out of here!”

Only six people decided to enter the church to join those studying the Bible. Most of the people studying the Bible were men, and those chatting outside in the tent were women.

Yes, many of those chatting outside were women. The men started beating them, taking their bags and other belongings, and hurling them over the fence of the church building. In the resulting pandemonium, some people fell, others rolled over the plastic chairs, and some chairs got broken. So He chased them all away and said that He was more wroth with those who knew His Sabbath and yet desecrated it than with those who didn’t know about it.

He repeated it again as He chased them all away and said that He was more wroth with those who knew His Sabbath and yet desecrated it than with those who didn’t know about it.

As I was following him, the vision was taken away.

Thank You,

Ray Archer

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