Friends, even though you and I would realise that the following illustration may be seen as fictitious, I’m sure we will see a lot of sobering truth in it. Please consider the seriousness of the following scenario as applying to the lives of those around you, and quite likely, your own life.
The question will be, for each one of us, …
“What, with God’s help, am I going to do about it?”
Friends, I don’t know who first wrote down many of these thoughts I’m presenting today, but I’m giving it the title...
Satan himself headed up this convention. It was urgent!
In his opening address, Satan said, …
“We can’t keep Christians from going to church.”
“We can’t keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth.”
“We can’t even keep them from forming an intimate relationship with their Saviour.”
“Once they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken.”
“So let them go to their churches; let them have their pot-luck lunches, but steal their time, so they don’t have time to develop that relationship with Jesus Christ.”
“This is what I want you to do,” said the devil:
“Distract them from gaining hold of their Saviour and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day.”
“How shall we do this?” his demons shouted.
So Satan began to unfold his plan. He said –
1. “Keep them busy with the non-essentials of life and invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds.”
2. “Tempt them to spend and borrow - spend, spend, and borrow, borrow, borrow.”
3. “Persuade the wives to go to work for long hours and the husbands to work six to seven days each week, ten to twelve hours a day, so they can afford their empty lifestyles.”
4. “Keep them from spending time with their children.”
5. “As their families fragment, soon, their homes will offer no escape from the pressures of work.” Then, said Satan, …
6. “Over stimulate their minds so they cannot hear that still, small voice of God.”
7. “Entice them to play the radio or CD’s whenever they drive, and keep the TV, computers, and iPads going constantly in their homes. See to it that everyone wants the newest smart phone, and invent apps and games that will addict their minds so they lose the desire for God’s Word. And see to it that every store and restaurant in the world plays non-biblical music constantly. Satan then said, “These next things will also jam their minds and break their contact with Christ.”
8. “Fill their minds with Facebook, Twitter and Texting.”
9. “Pound their minds with the news 24 hours a day.”
10. “Invade their driving moments with billboards.”
“But listen,” Satan said, “there’s more!"
11. “Flood their mailboxes and emails with junk mail, mail order catalogues, sweepstakes, and every kind of newsletter and promotional offering free products, services, and false hopes.”
12. “Keep skinny, beautiful models on the internet and TV so their husbands will believe that outward beauty is what’s important, and they’ll become dissatisfied with their wives.”
13. “Keep the wives too tired to love their husbands at night.”
Give them headaches too! If they don’t give their husbands the love they need, the husbands will begin to look elsewhere. That will fragment their families quickly.
14. “Give them Santa Claus to distract them from teaching their children the real meaning of Christmas.”
15. “Give them Easter bunny so they won’t talk about Jesus’s resurrection and power over sin and death.
"Satan’s evil angels said, “We like it! They won’t even realise what’s happening to them. When can we start?” Satan replied,
“Not yet, I’ve got more!”
16. “Even in their recreation, let them be excessive. Have them return from their recreation exhausted.”
17. “Keep them too busy to go out in nature and reflect on God’s creation. Send them to amusement parks, sporting events, plays, concerts, and movies instead.”
18. “Keep them busy, busy, busy!”
19. “And when they meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in gossip and small talk so that they don’t leave with troubled consciences.”
20. “Crowd out their lives with so many ‘good causes’ that they have no time to seek power from Jesus.”
Satan said, “Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health and their family for all these things.”
It was quite a plan!
The evil angels went eagerly to their assignments, causing Christians everywhere to get busier and more rushed, going here and there. They had very little time for their God or their families. They had no time to tell others about the power of Jesus to change lives.
Friends, you and I know, that maybe even in our own lives, Satan was right, it IS working!
And now that we understand that, what will we do about it, right now, today?
I recommend the simple little ‘Life Lesson’ download or DVD called 'The Hour' and the little book called 'Good News for a Better Life'. They are both about developing a strong, immoveable love relationship with Jesus and our wonderful heavenly Father.
Friends, if you have been blessed and challenged by this message, then please take time now to send it on to your friends.
Ray Archer
The words of this little book guarantee a reduction in stress and depression, and an increase in happiness and good attitude in life, whether you are an atheist, agnostic, Christian, or someone searching for meaning in life.
Best wishes for ‘A Better Life’ – guaranteed!